First a personal note about what I am about to share with you today.  I have had the pleasure of hearing many wonderful metaphysical speakers over the past 20  years or so  and have attended two’ I Can Do It Expos’ in Denver.  I also listen regularly to HayHouse Radio where I also enjoy the pleasure of hearing many good programs about health and spirituality.  Maybe you will check it out after reading this and find similar wonderful information which shared there by top notch people of our time?

One speaker I have heard frequently and in person is Gerry Gavin who channels a angel named Margaret who shares her insights with individuals and on his website.  I really appreciated her current month’s message and wanted to share it with you  in case you have not had the pleasure of hearing her advice.  I felt it was timely in light of recent international events and our political climate.  You can find Gerry at his website and Facebook page too:  His recent book is  If You Could Talk to an Angel.  He has given me permission to share this message with you. Angelic peace to you!

What’s the Difference!    6/28/16

A message from Margaret based on a recent question that was raised in a reading:

Hello Dear Ones and Welcome,

Recently, someone asked me what was the one most important thing that I believed that mankind could do that would change the world for the better?  My answer is so simple and yet it is at the core of all conflicts – from family squabbles to international wars.  YOU NEED TO BEGIN TO ACCEPT THAT YOU ARE NO DIFFERENT FROM ANYONE ELSE ON THIS PLANET!  You are all equal and the same energy at the time of your birth.  I know that this is not a unique concept but it is the most difficult thing for the human race to accept and integrate.

It is true that all of you originate from very distinct soul energy and that energy takes just a portion of its being from your higher self.  It is also true that this energy, and the environment you grow up in, will help you to create a very distinct personality. Finally, it is true that where you are born, and to whom you are born, may contribute to your cultural, regional and religious beliefs and you may be born to specific races.  And that is all perfect! It is perfect because exploring the amazing diversity of experiences is why you become human.

The problem is that rather than celebrating your differences and utilizing them as a way to expand your understanding of others and the world, mankind often will focus on those differences as being a reason to feel separate – and often superior to those other beliefs.

It is interesting that if you look up the word difference it has several meanings. In one, if describes the point of separation from one person, or idea, from another.  It also can mean an argument or disagreement between people – and lastly it is used in Mathematics as the answer  one gets when you subtract one number from another.  But what is most interesting is that all of these definitions “differ” from the original meaning of the word. Differentia is the old English/derived from Latin word that means an element, feature, or factor that distinguishes one entity, state, or class from another; or a characteristic trait distinguishing a species from other species of the same genus. This basically recognizes that there are things that “Distinguish” some beings from others and to distinguish means

  • to notice or recognize a difference between people or things

  • to make (someone or something) different or special in some way

  • to see or hear (someone or something) clearly

So how then did mankind go from seeing traits that were special in some way, or the ability to see or hear differences clearly – to seeing differences as traits deserving of fear?  

The culprit is non other than your very own brain! You see dear ones – while you soul is always seeking to expand its experiences – looking for new vistas of opportunity to love and prosper – the brain is all about playing it safe.  Your brain’s primary job is to keep your body alive and it will migrate to those beliefs that will allow it to feel more “safe.”  In so doing the brain looks at everything with suspicion and concern.  Remember the concerns you felt when you took your first steps – when you rode a bike for the first time – or the concerns you might feel to this very day if someone offers you the chance to go on a roller coaster or maybe even to ride a horse.  While your soul is excited by the opportunity – your brain begins to access the possibilities of injury, work loss, even potential death – and in many cases you will opt not to do things that you are actually very excited about doing.

The same can be said for your relationships.  They are driven by love, but they are also driven by fear.  While part of you might long to live fancy-free, traveling the world and having many lovers – the other part of you seeks to be more secure and to “settle down” with one person to love and a family to raise. I am not saying that one is better than, or worse than the other – only that these are different decisions that depend upon which way you see love and fear influencing your lives. While the first person might actually have a fear of being tied down – the second might fear being alone.

But your greatest fear is attached to things that are strange to you.  In this case the brain is extra cautious. It cannot interpret and and make “judgement calls” on things that it does not understand.  So until the brain can assess that this thing – or person – is safe for your physical and emotional existence – it will put forth feelings of fear!  And these feelings will remain with your brain until you have the opportunity to put together enough personal experiences that your brain will activate the override mechanism to fear – known as trust!   Just to put this is its simplest form. Imagine yourself going up to the cutest little puppy you have ever seen and asking if you could pet it – and just as you did it seemed to become possessed – growled like an hungry wolf and bit your hand! It is likely that this would affect your trust for dogs -especially that breed – and you would find it hard to trust the next person who tried to tell you that the breed was safe.  You have a phrase about this called “once bitten, twice shy,” which means that once your trust has been violated it will take you multiple exposures to the same situation before you might trust again.  And if you are bitten multiple times- or hear stories about others who were bitten – now your fear has been elevated to a belief.  When fear of a certain thing moves to belief – it begins to take on a life of its own as belief creates its own faith and trust in the fear.  

This, dear ones is how you have developed your sense of different races or cultures, or religious belief systems as being a danger to you – and therefore develop the faith, or the belief that they are not cut from the same cloth and essentially not the same as you.

In truth, many of your churches and business leaders and governments support and even encourage this belief system because it is in their best interest.  The more you see yourself as being the same as someone else the less competitive you become and the less competitive you become, then the less chance there is that you will foster enough bad feeling about others – preventing you from becoming more nationalistic.  Us against them is very often the battle cry of those who desire your support – for without a them to rally against then who will the “us” be?  And the leaders who try to move you into building walls and breaking allegiances are being driven by a greater vision of the fear based brain that first thought – I don’t want to walk – what if I fall down?

The key to moving from this fear based mindset is to begin to think of others from the origin of the word. What can I do to look at others that are different from me – even in their thinking – so that I can see the things that really “distinguish” them.  Looking for the good in everyone is easier when you begin by looking at the good in yourself and making a list of what things about you make you a good person in your own eyes.  Then look at how many of those distinguishing characteristics are thought to be the same in other cultures as well.  Chances are that you will find that most of the things you admire in yourself are the things you would admire in others.  If you can begin to see and hear from a different perspective – literally distinguishing between that which is fear based rhetoric and that which is truth – you will find that everyone is much more similar that you might believe.  If you have the courage to do so, start a conversation with someone from a culture you fear. Learn about their beliefs and how they feel about some of your core beliefs about family and freedom – and again – you will find there is very much in common.  If all of the people that others had feared throughout time were as evil as everyone thinks – your planet would have ceased to be a long time ago. You would have killed each other off.  Probably starting with your least favorite relatives :-)  

Dear Ones, I leave you with these thoughts and Afformations.  You were all born in a soul state of total love and acceptance and loved anyone and everyone.  You had to be nurtured in fear.  Your ability to create it was there – but it needed the support of others.  Help the world out and start by not spreading fearful thought,  Then ask your brain this simple question.  “Why is it so easy for me to see myself behind everyone else’s eyes!”  You will find the results to be amazing!

Go in peace,


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