Resolutions or Intentions for the new year?

First of all Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah!  Hope whatever you celebrate is joyous and with those you care about!

As the year comes to a close, we review what we accomplished in the current year, and we set goals for the new year, often lofty and ambitious!  My question to you is, do you set intentions or resolutions?   Do you know the difference?  Send me a reply as to what you plan to achieve in the new year!

Intentions are goals or objectives.  It is always good to have those, even on a daily basis.  These are things you really intend to do and feel you have the means to carry them out. Resolutions, on the other hand, comprise a decision on your part to do something specific or to behave in a certain way.  You want to set a course of action with firm determination. Many resolutions include diets, organizing (see my organizing page) or exercise which all involve a change in your  current behavior.

These terms are similar, yet many resolutions are broken shortly after they are made.  Perhaps we set our goals too high?  Try to set reasonable and attainable resolutions. Or perhaps you might resolve to eat healthier and then intend to eat meat only once a week.   Whatever your resolution or intention is, make it a better year and check off some of your bucket list items as life is short.  Be specific and clear about what you wish to achieve, and set smaller deadlines with rewards.  Remember the analogy that you can’t eat an elephant all at once, just a bite at a time. (Please don’t eat any elephants)   Don’t set yourself up for failure with a goal you cannot reach, but do stretch your limits.  Post your intentions on the refrigerator or your mirror and go for it.

Please make 2015 your best year yet!



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