Let There be Peace On Earth …and Let it Begin with Me!

Perhaps it’s time to revive the peace symbol necklaces we wore back in the 60’s to promote peace again!  You can find them online.   In my lifetime, I barely remember a time when we did not have a war or violence somewhere in the world.  And many times it involved the United States.  I lived through the time of the assassinations of Martin, Bobby and John.  In my parent’s generation most men served in the military and many went to battle.   “War what is it good for; absolutely nothing” (sung by Edwin Starr, 1969) Instead, violence and terrorism seems to be escalating all over the world.  Do you agree, it’s time for us to make a shift toward peace?  “All we are saying is give peace a chance (John Lennon, of the Beatles)!”

“I speak of peace, therefore, as the necessary rational end of rational men. I realize the pursuit of peace is not as dramatic as the pursuit of war… But we have no more urgent task.” ~ John F. Kennedy

This blog finds me talking about peace and what we can do individually and collectively to create more peace.  This is a place for interactive discussion as well as a way to promote a new group that just began in Denver.  You can post comments here or on my Facebook page of same name.

Have you heard about Meet-Up Groups yet?  These meetup groups are growing in Denver and around the country and provide a means for people to gather together for discussion, share in a project or mission and meet new people.  A new meetup group (Women for Peace) just began meeting in numerous suburbs around the metropolitan area as part of a global initiative to encourage and inspire peace.  Who is better than women to put their minds together and figure out ways we can instill peace in ourselves, our families and our world?!  We would welcome men to create their own groups if they wish. You can sign up for these groups online and search for ones of interest under www.meetup.com.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead

First it’s important to consider what peace means to you?  Is it internal, external, or both?  (If you so choose, you can share your response below)  How do you achieve peace within yourself first of all?   Peace begins within each of us before we can expect external changes in the world.   What are ways that you practice peace in your home, your family and in your practices such as meditation? How can you channel that peace out into the world, into the workplace and into the groups in which you participate?

In our first meetup women’s peace meeting we discussed the connection of peace with harmony and whether they are synonymous or not.  The dictionary definition of peace states two parts, first the freedom from disturbance with quiet tranquility; then the freedom from or cessation of war or violence.  Harmony is described as an agreement or concord and secondly the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progressions having a pleasing effect.   They are not exactly the same however there are similarities and some overlap in their use and combination.  You could have a harmonious agreement which brings peace of mind.  Can you have one without the other?  To me peace is more of a state of being and harmony is more of a description or agreement of how something came together.

“Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.”

~ John F. Kennedy

 For many years Mile Hi Church where I attend begins each New Year by promoting peace. Between January and April peaceful activities are scheduled to raise consciousness (Dr. Martin Luther King’ birthday January 15 to the anniversary of his assassination April 4).  During that time we have been honored to hear speakers like Gandhi’s grandson, Arun, who exudes peace and shares wonderful stories of the peaceful practices his father and grandfather taught him.   After every service, we join hands and sing “Let There be Peace on Earth” too! We also received a long list of peaceful practices which includes things like choosing your words and actions more carefully.  Can you think of specific religions or practices that promote peace?

Consider how all actions begin with a thought and the words we speak. Consciously think about the words you say to yourself and others.  Do you often say things like, ‘that is killing me” or cuss at other drivers in traffic or give them the middle finger?   Are you quick to lash out at someone or to smash a spider?  Spend a day being conscious about what you are saying and how you might change your words and actions to more peaceful ones.  Are there ways you might act more peaceful and change your language to that which is less aggressive?  Start by holding up two fingers of peace when someone is angry with you on the road instead of the middle finger!

“Peace comes from being able to contribute the best that we have, and all that we are, toward creating a world that supports everyone. But it is also securing the space for others to contribute the best that they have and all that they are.” ~ Hafsat Abiola

If we want world peace, a world free of war, it has to start within ourselves and our families. How many families are torn apart, not speaking to one another, fighting with words and sometimes worse?  Reconciliation can begin at home. Set an example for your children, your coworkers and your friends.  Teach your children methods of mediation, mindfulness, words of kindness  and gratitude and ways to disagree without hatred and violence.  There are many organizations who can assist with intervention and classes if you do not know how yourself.

“If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner.”  Nelson Mandela

Schools can help too by not tolerating bullying, by promoting peaceful resolutions to problems and by teaching skills like mindfulness, critical thinking and meditation.  Children need outlets like recess and physical education, as well as creativity in arts and music. We cannot afford to drop these programs in our schools!  Also, food served in school could be healthier.

A couple of years ago I had the pleasure of hearing Congressman Tim Ryan speak on mindfulness and subsequently bought his books.  One is the Mindful Nation where he talks about school programs instituted in Ohio that have had amazing results.  Mindful practices can reduce stress and improve performance as well as helping people get along more peacefully.   He subsequently wrote a book about food, The Real Food Revolution. I agree with him that our children need to be fed better; not the processed foods that causes endocrine disruptions and perhaps leads to more violent actions and learning disabilities such as ADHD and Autism.  I recommend reading both books and practicing mindfulness and clean eating habits. This goes for us as well as our children and grandchildren.

The media and Hollywood could also help create more peace and make a big statement in their films and actions. Currently we are bombarded with negative stories promoting fear and division.  Movies are full of murder and destruction. Our children see so much violence in their lives on television and in the movies!

We need to enlist Hollywood to produce movies that show how to exemplify peace and love more frequently.  The evening news could feature more happy stories than ones of theft, drugs and violence.  We might caution our children against listening to music that berates women or incites violence, as well as restricting the violent video games they play.  Watching this has to have an impact on one’s young psyche!

“If the human race wishes to have a prolonged and indefinite period of material prosperity, they have only got to behave in a peaceful and helpful way toward one another.” ~ Winston Churchill

Peace  to me also means that we are in harmony with nature and how we care for our planet and ourselves.  When we destroy forests, upset the ecological balance with harmful pollutants, and consume harmful artificially-created foods and kill animals for our food, we internalize those violent actions into our psyches.

Will Tuttle says in his book, The World Peace Diet, “our shared cultural reality is profoundly affected by the attitudes, beliefs, and practices surrounding food. Food is actually our most intimate and telling connection both with the natural order and with our living cultural heritage.  Through eating the plants and animals of this earth we literally incorporate them, and it is also through this act of eating that we partake of our culture’s values and paradigms at the most primal and unconscious levels”.   As children we incorporate the cultural norms and values internally, but as adults we can retrain our belief systems and do the important research.  Tuttle says, “If we fail to make the connection between our daily meals and our cultural predicaments, we will inevitably fail as a species to survive on this earth”.

Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world.  Our collective consciousness can bring world peace and other good things rather than negative occurrences.  The world is shifting and we can make changes.   More people are awakening to a different way of thinking, exploring alternative options to consumerism and greed.

One example of collective consciousness is when the media plants the seed that there are good chances for a coming recession.  Hearing those words causes people to start hoarding their money instead of spending it; therefore the recession happens.   Another scary example is the recent Presidential race coverage by the media. They promoted one candidate for President giving him free publicity and too much air time. To most of our horror, he became the candidate and continues to incite fear and violence. We must hold our elected officials accountable and elect those who would promote a peaceful agenda from education to international relations.  We can also turn off the news and listen to something more peaceful especially before bed.  Keep the fear out of our lives!  Unfortunately, there is only one political party who supports peace and that is the Green Party.  Perhaps the time is ripe for expanding our two-party system?!

What if we all meditated or prayed daily for our elected officials, for prosperity for all and for world peace and held that in our conscious minds daily? Don’t you feel that would make a big difference?  You know how we Americans come together in a crisis holding one another up, contributing money to those caught up in disasters?  That is what I am talking about.   We are on this planet together for a reason. No man is an island. If we all act and think more about peace and exhibit those actions, it can make a difference.  We must also stop practices of thinking about and acting out violently. We must shift our consciousness in order for peace to prevail!  Let peace begin with each and every one of us!  Let’s promote that!

“There is a higher court than courts of justice, and that is the court of conscience. It supersedes all other courts.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

One book to consider reading:  The World Peace Diet by Will Tuttle, PhD



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