As you may know, essential oils (extracted from living plants and trees) have been used medicinally for centuries. Many are mentioned in the Bible, and as the story goes, several were given to the Baby Jesus because they were so highly valued! Oils were used with much success then and still are today for their great benefits with fewer side effects than most pharmaceuticals.

Because I value their worth, I want to share more about these oils and recommend everyone has a stock of some basic oils at home for emergencies. If you really want to dive deeper into the healing and aromatherapy benefits of oils, there are many books on the subject and a couple good websites (one mentioned below).   Please make sure you use good sources and quality oils!

Also, because I use and value oils, I sell Young Living Essential Oils, a company who has been around  for over 20 years, has a great track record and grows pure organic plants that are cold-pressed to make into their over-250 single and blended oils. . You can purchase them from me or join as a member for a small fee and get the discounts and be able to share them with others. Many of the oils sold in stores, while much cheaper, are not pure and will not produce the same success for you. They might just smell good, but you want to get the most bang for your buck especially if you are using them topically!

For the purpose of today’s blog, I will talk about several oils that I learned more about in a recent webinar and thought worth sharing. These are not common oils and you many never have heard of them. Some oils are rarer than others and more expensive because of the plant/tree they are harvested from and the process it takes to do so.

VETIVER OIL. (Vetiveria zizanoides) It has a strong woody, earthy fragrance similar to patchouli with a bit of lemon. This amazing oil has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, nervine; sedative and cicatrisant (scars) properties. It is psychologically calming, grounding and stabilizing. Vetiver is good for the brain, can help with stress, emotional trauma, dispel frustration and anger, hysteria and shock. Put two drops on your upper neck or temple. It can also promote sleep; help with restless legs and insomnia. It acts as a sedative to the nervous system so can help with neuropathy. Other things it helps with are increasing libido, decreasing PMS, tendonitis, grief and exhaustion. If you blend it with helichrysum, frankincense it will eradicate scars or age spots! To help those needing to focus (ADHD) diffuse a blend of lavender, cedarwood, vetiver and peppermint during test times. More info:

HELICHRYSUM (Helichrysum italicum) is known for its supportive properties to the skin, liver and nervous system as well as its ability to restore and heal damaged nerves. It is used in many blends as it provides defense against free radicals. It is especially good for skin issues like sunburn, skin cancer and the protection from radiation. It can help with kidney stones (blend with lemon). Also, when mixed with frankincense can help with MS. It smells lovely!

MYRRH ((Commipihora myrrha) is probably an oil you’ve heard of since it was gifted by the Wise Men and used by Esther in the Bible (referenced over 152 times). It has a smoky, rich, balsamic aroma. It can be purifying, restorative, and uplifting for spiritual meditation. It has one of the highest levels of sesquiterpenes, which are a class of compounds that have a direct effect on the hypothalamus, pituitary, and amygdala (base of our emotions). It is great for the immune system, healing bruises, and putting on baby’s umbilical cord. The Arabian people believed it helped wrinkled, chapped, and cracked skin. Today, myrrh oils are value widely used in oral hygiene products. Myrrh has an approximate ORAC of 3,193,813 which is very high ((Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity units measuring the amount of antioxidants). An apple only has about a 3800 ORAC value. Myrrh protects against liver damage (radiation from cells). It has anti-cancer properties especially for gynecological and reproductive organs, and can help h (PMS), endometriosis, and menopause. Myrrh is also good for fungal infections like ringworm and parasites. It is said that Cleopatra used it in her baths for relaxation; good mixed with lavender or chamomile. Also, good for chapped crack skin, gum disease, mouth infections (good to use before a root canal mixed with clove). Use 3-5 drops in water and swish around in your mouth. An ‘oil pull’ will prevent gum disease and cavities (mix with coconut or sesame oil with 5 drops and swish for 5-20 minutes). For skin cancer mix with frankincense. To help the thyroid put 2 drops on the thyroid area.

GERANIUM ((Pelargonium graveolens), no surprise has a flowery scent which is calming and uplifting which can help release negative memories. Who would have thought a beautiful flower can help with the skin and support the circulatory and nervous systems? It can help with depression, Alzheimer’s & dementia, and tremors (vetiver good too). It’s skin properties are amazing as it can reduce wrinkles as it supports collagen production (2 drops with frankincense and myrrh); also mix with coconut oil, jojoba and grapefruit oil for a muscle toner and cellulite reducer (hemorrhoids too!) Geranium has an approximate ORAC of 1,010,011. It’s also a nerve pain killer (shingles), lowers cholesterol, help with joint pain, candida reduction, eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis (mix with shea butter, jojoba oil, melaleuca and myrrh). Dr AXE has some recipes on his site for many natural products like shampoo and other good products.

SANDALWOOD aka Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood (Santalum paniculatum) has a rich, sweet, warm, and woody aroma that is sensual and romantic. The S. paniculatum tree is native to and found only on the island of Hawaii, where Young Living has a partner farm that practices sustainable reforestation farming management principles. Also, it is grown in India and Australia. It is the most costly next to Rose Oil because the tree takes so long to grow. Used traditionally as incense in religious ceremonies and for meditation, this oil is uplifting and relaxing. In India it is used for libido. It is valued in skin care for its moisturizing and normalizing properties. Sandalwood can be used for mental clarity, for more attention with diffusing or inhalation. It is also antiviral (herpes, UTI’s, chest infections, pimples and warts). Also, anti-inflammatory for swelling, joins, or endometriosis. It is often used in colognes, but watch out for its aphrodisiac properties! Men, it’s good for Low T too and you won’t see a commercial on this oil!

CHAMOMILE –Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) has a warm, sweet, herbaceous scent that is relaxing and calming for both mind and body. Its gentleness makes it especially valuable for restless children. Soothing to all types of skin, it is used extensively in Europe in skin preparations. Roman chamomile is also beneficial when added to massage oil for relief of muscle discomfort after exercise. Roman chamomile was one of the Saxons’ nine sacred herbs. It is used as an antioxidant (quercetin like in fruits), inflammation fighter, and has anti-cancer properties. One of its best qualities is around digestion for leaky gut, fighting allergies, PMS, ulcers, GI, IB, arthritis, eczema, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, motion sickness, nausea, and acid reflux. Also, can be used on the skin for redness, but really depends on the person. A good detox bath is made with 1 cup Epsom salts, chamomile, geranium oils. Helps with muscle spasms too. It is more medicinal than lavender.

CYPRESS OIL (Cupressus sempervirens) is especially comforting during the winter season. It is native to Africa and Spain and used much by the early Greeks. It is a top healer of injuries (good for broken bones and sprains) and helps with circulation. Its fresh, herbaceous, slightly evergreen aroma is refreshing and restores feelings of security and stability. Cypress is also beneficial for oily or troubled skin; can help with varicose veins and cellulite. It can remove toxins from the liver and kidneys when used as a diuretic. Cypress has an approximate ORAC of 243,120.

ROSEMARY essential oil helps support a healthy lifestyle regimen and overall well-being. It can help improve memory, ease muscle aches, thicken hair naturally (balances androgens and estrogen) and can shrink tumors. This oil provides a savory addition to many meats marinades, side dishes, and dressings. Rosemary includes the naturally occurring constituents eucalyptol and alpha-pinene. On Dr Axe’s website there is a recipe for a rosemary mint shampoo to help with hair growth. Also, in my Lemongrass Spa line we have a Rosemary bar soap you can use in your hair! It can help with memory and calms. Also, good for the liver and gall bladder (bile) along with type 2 Diabetes.

CEDARWOOD OIL (Cedrus atlantica) essential oil’s woodsy, warm, balsamic aroma is also used in men’s colognes, and King Solomon used it a lot so it is revered for wisdom. It can be added to your favorite skin care products and applied topically. This essential oil includes sesquiterpenes and its powerful scent creates a relaxing, calming, and comforting atmosphere when diffused. It is beneficial for ADHD as it supports the brain, and can be combined with rosemary for hair loss. Rub it in the scalp before showering. Put in bathwater to help with joint pain and arthritis, and mix with Epsom salts and frankincense. Also, good to use in deodorants.

BERGAMOT OIL (Citrus bergamia) has the fresh, sweet, citrus scent that is familiar to many as the flavoring in Earl Grey Tea. It is grown in Southern Italy and Southeast Asia. Uplifting and relaxing, it is good for building confidence and enhancing your mood. It has a long history of use for oily and troubled skin. It is also good for digestion, the gall bladder and stomach, intestinal worms, and swollen glands.

Eucalyptus – breathe it in (diffuse with peppermint)
Bergamot – drains the lymph glands
Frankincense – good for immunity
Lemon and Peppermint


Frankincense – shrinks tumors
Sandalwood 0

DIGESTION (acid reflux, indigestion, gas, bloating)

Fennel – sooths stomach
Ginger – reduces inflammation
Peppermint- cools heat in gut

ADD/ADHD and other mental conditions

Oils and diet can also help.  I also recommend another site for information on oils.

Essential Oils For ADD

Please reply if you enjoyed this and share your favorite oil. If you enjoyed it, I will share information on others another time.  Sign up under the Newsletter Tab for regular blog updates.

Meantime, if you wish to order any oils or other products, contact me as well!

Be healthy and well!

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