The media tends to talk more about Estrogen, and its dominance can lead to health issues. One hormone is not talked about as much but can really ease many women’s health issues.

“Progesterone is the major hormone that starts most of the chemical reactions in the woman’s body. It works closely with estrogen, another female hormone. The two hormones are reproductive hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and many other functions. Progesterone also counters the effects of estrogen in various parts of the body by “down-regulating” estrogen receptors.

Progesterone is a female hormone produced in the corpus luteum of the ovaries of menstruating women through the conversion of pregnenolone to progesterone and in the adrenal glands. It is stored in fat tissue and is synthesized by the placenta during pregnancy.
Progesterone begins to decline when a woman is 32 or 35, although it often begins to decline much earlier in many women due to environmental issues. Both estrogen and progesterone decline as women age, but progesterone declines about 120 times more rapidly than estrogen, creating a condition estrogen dominance or low progesterone. This is why many experts choose to call it a low progesterone condition.

The imbalance between estrogen and progesterone causes many symptoms that can be debilitating.” Here is a list of common symptoms:
Symptoms of Low Progesterone:

– irregular menstrual cycles
– strong cramps during menstruation
– higher incidences of PMS
– premenstrual headaches
– more blood clots during menstruation
– heavy, painful periods (menorrhagia)
– low libido
– low bone density
– anxiety, depression
– memory loss
– difficulty handling stress
– elevated cortisol levels
– endometriosis
– PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
– ovarian cysts
– uterine fibroids
– fibrocystic breasts
– breast and uterine cancer
– thickening of the uterine lining
– functional hypothyroidism
– complications in pregnancy
– recurring miscarriage
– water retention
– belly fat
-Others (acne, migraine headaches, post partum depression, day sweats, fibromyalgia, hair loss and more).

Why are these hormonal issues become more prevalent?

“Having low levels of progesterone is becoming increasingly common in women today. There are many reasons for this, one of which is xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens are “foreign” estrogens often widely used industrial compounds such as PCB, BPA and Phthalates. They have estrogen-like effects on living organisms, even though they differ chemically from the naturally occurring estrogenic substances internally produced by the endocrine system.  Phthalates are found in many products that we use, like shampoo.

Over the past 70 years our food supply has changed and it is affecting us hormonally! “One source of xenoestrogens are the hormones given to animals to encourage them to fatten up and grow faster. Hormonal residues remain in the meat when butchered and sold, causing hormone imbalances when ingested.

Another source is the Bisphenol A (BPA) that leaches from plastic bottles and container. The problem with BPA is that it mimics estrogens quite well. Once in the body, it binds to the female hormone receptors throughout the body. Studies have shown that BPA promotes human breast cancer cell growth, decreased sperm count in rats, and has many other deleterious effects. BPA is used to line cans for canned foods, for plastic juice, soda and water bottles, and for plastic containers of any kind. It is very hard to avoid.

Another reason is the prevalence of birth control pills. Studies show that taking even one birth control pill (not one year’s worth, only one pill), increases your risk of breast cancer by 10 or more years. Birth control pills impose an artificial regulation of hormones on a woman’s system. Over time, they impact a woman’s body’s ability to keep her hormones balanced.”

What is Normal?

“There are many tests to determine blood serum progesterone and other hormonal levels. Some doctors say that saliva tests are more accurate, while other doctors say only blood tests will do. Should you take a blood test, normal serum (blood) levels of progesterone should be >2.0 ng/ml. Serum levels below 1 (<1.0 ng/ml are too low.

One product I sell through Young Living, of which much of this information is gleaned, is natural progesterone oil, and I use it every day and feel it is one valuable oil (progessence)worth exploring. Watch the video on for more information.”

Synthetic vs. Natural Progesterone

“It’s important to understand that synthetic progesterone (usually called progestogen or progestin) differs significantly from natural progesterone. It is chemically different from natural progesterone.
Natural progesterone is called progesterone. It is chemically identical to the substance made in a woman’s body by the ovarian corpus luteum (gland formed after an egg is ovulated each month).

In contrast, the chemical structures of synthetic progestogens are altered. They are similar to, but somewhat different from natural progesterone. They have progesterone-like actions on the endometrium, but can have side effects, or actions that are different than progesterone.
Different countries use different progestins. In the United States, the most commonly used progestin in HRT (hormone replacement therapy) is medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA). MPA is most often combined with conjugated equine estrogens (CEE) – estrogens derived from pregnant horse urine -and taken orally.

Although natural progesterone is heavily used in southern Europe, especially France where use of micronized natural progesterone is very widespread, it is used very little in the Untied States A study in 2005 by Carlo Campagnoli¹ found that the type of progesterone used makes a big difference in the numbers of breast cancer cases. The study recommends that synthetic progestin NOT be used, in favor of natural progesterone to minimize the risk of endometrial cancer without increasing the risk of breast cancer.”

Progesterone is important to the production of other sex hormones; it is a precursor to natural cortisone production in the adrenal cortex; it is needed by the fetus to grow a healthy baby; it provides protection against endometrial cancer, breast fibrocysts, breast cancer, and fibroid tumors; it is a natural diuretic; a natural antidepressant; it supports healthy thyroid function; supports a healthy sex drive, normal blood sugar levels, normal zinc and copper levels, normal cell oxygen levels, and helps the body use fat to produce energy.
Progesterone also helps build bone – it stimulates osteoblast cells that help build and replace bone. Progesterone is one tool used to both prevent and reverse osteoporosis.

In addition, progesterone can:
• Prevents 98 percent of hot flashes
• prevents 98 percent of day or night sweats
• Prevents 98 percent of PMS
• Prevents 98 percent of migraine headaches in females only
• Improves post-partum depression
• Aids in weight loss
• Decreases acne
• Elevates mood (best time to take is at night for most women)
• Helps 98 percent of TMJ inflammation
• Reduces breast cancer risk
• Aids in sleep at night
• Heals nerves: enables nerve re-myelination
• Reduces endometriosis
• Improves bone density
• Improves libido
• Reduces fibrocystic conditions in estrogen dominated breast tissue*

Natural vs. Prescription Progesterone

Natural progesterone is often used in infertility treatment, and to treat dysfunctional uterine bleeding (heavy periods) in premenopausal women.*
What are the advantages of Progessence Plus Serum™ over creams and pills?
Creams are absorbed by fatty tissue. Very little of the actual progesterone gets into the bloodstream. Most of it stays in the fatty tissue for a very long time, which is why women have to alternate where they rub the cream. Even so, the fatty tissue eventually gets saturated with progesterone that can stay there for years and possibly a lifetime.

Pills are metabolized by the liver. Over time, this clogs up the liver — and again, very little of the actual progesterone gets into the bloodstream.
Progessence Plus goes directly into the bloodstream. The essential oils in Progessence Plus cause the progesterone to be absorbed directly by the bloodstream. Essential oils are utilized by the body immediately. They do not remain in the body so neither the oils nor the progesterone will clog up your liver, fatty tissue or arteries.

Because Progessence Plus is more bioavailable and gets into the blood stream faster. It is also easier to apply and doesn’t need to be cycled.
Not just younger menstruating women need progesterone. Remember that while a woman’s estrogen levels may drop 40-60% at menopause, her progesterone level can drop much lower, upsetting the natural balance rather abruptly. By postmenopause a woman’s progesterone drops to nearly zero, bringing on a slew of unpleasant symptoms.

Look for U.S.P Progesterone (United States Pharmocopoeia). This is an assurance of purity and the fact it has the same chemical makeup as the progesterone women make in their bodies. Progessence Plus Serum™ uses only U.S.P Progesterone P4.

How to Apply and How much

Apply it to your caritoid artery, forearms or temples. Do not rub it on fatty tissue (breasts and thighs) as you would a progesterone cream. Be sure to press lightly when applying on the carotid (neck) as well as the temples. Applying it with too much force can block circulation.
Some women get the best results using Progessence Plus™ symptomatically — they apply a drop if they have a mood swing, headache, or a hot flash throughout the day. But that can be too much for some women. Its best to start with a drop or two a day (that may be all you ever need), but don’t be afraid to experiment.*

Most women only need a drop or two a day rubbed on to their carotid artery. Experiment with what time of day works best for you. Some women like to use it at night because it relaxes them. Other women prefer it during the day (for a mid-morning or mid-day pickup, for example).
Also be sure to nourish your body, get plenty of omega 3 oils, Vitamin D and B vitamins, and plenty of sleep. The quality of micronized progesterone creams vary wildly. Some creams contain very little real progesterone and/or are very difficult to absorb.

Progessence Plus Serum™ is different. This U.S.P. grade wild yam (P4) progesterone is a natural progesterone identical to human progesterone made from wild yams and is super-micronized to less than 5 microns for better absorption, then melted into the essential oil infused serum containing vitamin E, and essential oils frankincense (boswellia sacara), copaiba, bergamot and peppermint that increase absorption into the skin and level out progesterone levels like never before.

Dr. Dan Purser suggests putting it on the temples any time one has a migraine. You can also apply it on the neck (carotid artery) and possibly also on the forearms… and maybe behind the knees — all of these are quick-absorption areas.
Be aware that although the label says not to use it more than twice a day, Dr. Purser says one can apply it anytime one has symptoms (within reason, of course) on a temporary basis. You would not want to use large doses for prolonged periods. It is fine to use it every day, even through your period. Breastfeeding requires high levels of progesterone and it doesn’t hurt the baby whether its a female or male baby. Many mothers have breast fed while pregnant without a problem, which is an even higher progesterone state.

Things NOT to do:

MEN should NOT take this hormone. We have another product for men that supports their hormonal systems. Also, do NOT take it with any synthetic hormones or any other type of progesterone, natural or synthetic (like birth control pills). Women with heavy periods usually need more. If you are on thyroid meds, monitor your thyroid levels. You may need to have your doctor cut down on the dose after a while.
Because Progessence Plus™ contains bergamot, a photosensitive essential oil, it is best to apply it a couple of hours before you go into the sun or tanning booth, or apply it in an area that is covered from the sun, even though the amount of bergamot is very low. Photosensitive oils can darken the skin in the area of application is exposed to the sun.

What if your hot flashes and mood swings get worse? This sometimes happens and generally indicates that you need additional support from products like Ultra Young Spray, frankincense oil, Femigen, Prenolone Plus (Prenolone +) and Estro
It could be that your hormones have been so low for so long that any change is jarring to the system at first. You may also have low estrogen.
It could also be occurring because the body is going through a “healing crises.” This is when the inflammation of the body gets dumped into the lymph glands and it’s more than they can handle all at once. It’s helpful to use some ledum and grapefruit oils at this time.
Usually, continued use and additional support solve the problems. If the issues don’t settle down after a while, consider asking your doctor to check your hormonal blood levels.

Using one drop of the oil per day will extend the bottle for up to a year I’ve found. If you use more, it will of course be used up quicker. This makes it very affordable for the benefits you reap. Most of the above information is provided from Dr Dan Purser and Young Living. If you wish to purchase this product, send me an email and we can talk about it (just fill out the form below). I’ve been using it for a couple of years now and really think it can help many women without side effects.

If you are using it, please comment so that others may know its benefits!

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